
Woz ED Science Kits make it possible for students to experience what scientists do to investigate the natural world and what engineers do to design and build systems. The project-based lessons and materials promote scientific inquiry, engaging students in practices that establish foundational knowledge of core scientific ideas and build on that foundation to ensure a cohesive understanding of science.

tennessee Science


Course: G03K00 
Science: Grade K

1st Grade
Course: G03100
Science: Grade One

2nd Grade
Course: G03200
Science: Grade Two

3rd Grade
Course: G03300 
Science: Grade Three

4th Grade
Course: G03400 
Science: Grade Four

5th Grade
Course: G03500
Science: Grade Five

Earth Science

The Sun and Our Weather

Earth Science

Climate Effect on Daylight and Seasons

Earth Science

Weather, Earth Events and Living Organisms

Earth Science

Weather and Climate Impacts Around the World

Earth Science

Earth’s Processes and Human Impact

Earth Science

Sun and Earth’s Place in the Universe

Life Science

Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems

Life Science

Animal and Plant Biology

Life Science

Plant and Animal Ecosystems

Life Science

How Animals’ Traits, Group, and Habits Help Them Survive

Life Science

Senses and Information Processing

Life Science

Cycling of Matter and Flow of Energy

Physical Science

Push and Pull Forces

Physical Science

Patterns of Light and Waves

Physical Science

Study of Matter

Physical Science

Properties of Matter and Forms of Energy

Physical Science

How Energy is Transferred with Enginnering

Physical Science

Structure and Properties of Matter

6th Grade
Course: G03600 
Science: Grade Six

7th Grade
Course: G03700
Science: Grade Seven

8th Grade
Course:  G03800 
Science: Grade Eight

Earth Science

Earth’s Climate

Life Science

Growth, Development, and Reproduction of Organisms

Earth Science

History of Earth

Earth Science

Earth’s Systems

Life Science

Structure, Function, and Information Processing

Earth Science

Human Impacts

Life Science

Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems

Life Science

Biogeochemical Cycles

Life Science

Natural Selection

Life Science

Matter and Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems

Life Science

Matter and Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems

Physical Science

Forces and Interactions

Physical Science


Physical Science

Chemical Reactions

Physical Science

Waves and Electromagnetic Radiation

The Challenge

The new science standards include more hands-on, project-based experiences, which require more planning and preparation time.

The new standards call for students to form hypotheses, test theories, and analyze data. Creating new lessons and having the necessary resources on hand to meet the needs of these standards can be daunting, time-consuming and costly.

Woz ED specializes in the development of units of study that allow students to develop an engineering mindset with minimal impact on the teacher. These turnkey units were written for the science standards and can immediately be implemented in the classroom.

Meeting The Challenge

Through partnerships with thousands of districts, Boys & Girls Clubs, STEM Ecosystems, Scout Troops and schools, Woz ED is turning Steve Wozniak’s vision into reality.

Woz ED’s Science and STEAM kits are being used in over 3,000 schools across America, and are answering the challenge. Our turnkey kits allow teachers with minimal technical expertise to facilitate deep learning experiences in science and career pathways such as coding, cybersecurity, drones, mobile development, engineering, data analysis, animation and artificial intelligence – starting in Kindergarten.

The world needs inventors, great ones. Our mission is to provide students with opportunities so that they can be successful… to put the spark in great inventors who can change the world.



Woz ED Science kits make it possible for students to experience what scientists do to investigate the natural world and what engineers do to design and build systems. These project-based lessons and materials promote scientific inquiry, engaging students in practices that establish foundational knowledge of core scientific ideas and build on that foundation to ensure a cohesive understanding of science.

Next Generation Science Standards represent a shift from an emphasis on memorizing scientific facts to an emphasis on doing science – giving the learner the opportunity to pose questions and discover answers through project-based, hands-on experiences.

  • Turnkey, ready-to-use kits
  • Easy-to-follow lessons with clearly explained concepts
  • Cloud-based teacher support
  • OPEN-ENDED DESIGN—students are given a problem that they can work through as a team to create a solution.