Michael Scott
Operations Manager
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Michael was raised in Los Angeles, CA, and aspired to one day be an actor; however, in adulthood realized that education was his true passion. After moving to Arizona to attend ASU and earning his BA in communications, he worked as an elementary school teacher for 5 years and then transitioned into a 15-year career working in residential care with at-risk teenagers. Based on his experiences, Michael realized that not every child was getting the type of quality education they deserved and came to WozEd to support getting the appropriate technology to schools, teachers, and students, regardless of their socioeconomic status. He believes all children should have the opportunity to be exposed to new and interesting lessons and topics in order to find something that excites them and ignites their desire to learn. Michael enjoys spending time with family and friends, playing and watching sports, and loves being outdoors. He prefers to be in the water whenever possible and has recently taken up kayaking. In the early mornings before the work day has started, you can typically find him at the gym working out.